
Why buy from Milano Coffee Systems?

It's all about the Coffee Machine Service

Coffee Machine Service

Every machine purchased from us comes with a 7-day service help line. An experienced technician is on call at all times to offer assistance. This means that machine problems are looked after within minutes rather than hours.

Coffee Machine Training

With every installation comes an in-depth coffee machine training session from one of our trainers. This covers barista training, usage of your coffee machine and every day maintenance. Our training ensures that the customer will get the same high quality coffee they expect every time.

Cost Effective

The machines supplied by us are manufactured with only the best quality materials. This means that they will need less maintenance and will last a lot longer which will save you a lot of money in the long term.


We are specialists at selling, installing and servicing traditional and fully automatic espresso machines. If you have a question about an espresso machine, we will have the answer.


Ever since Faema launched the ground breaking E61 espresso machine in 1961, they have been to the forefront of quality espresso machines in Italy. They are the industry innovators and their most recent patents include the Smart Boiler, the Milk Precision System, the Autosteam wand and Thermodrive. They sell more traditional and fully automatic espresso machines in Italy than any other manufacturer. 60 million Italians can't be wrong!

Have a look at some of our machines here.

Or get in touch with us for a quote free of charge or fill out the form below.


Ready to get Started?

Before deciding on your next coffee machine, come and visit our showroom or call us on our 7-day live helpline or contact us using this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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